LIC Ananda Application
A virtual Application for LIC Agent has been launched for New Business ,called ‘ANANDA’.
Full form of ANANDA is Atma Nirbhar Agents New Business Digital App.
As our India is on the way to be ATMA NIRBHAR in all counts . LIC has taken initiative to make its LIC advisors Atma Nirbhar (Self Dependents).
What is ANANDA ?
ANANDA is an application where New LIC Policies can be issued , LIC agent does not have to go to office to log in New LIC policies. If LIC agent have Computer/Laptop they can Easily log in new paper.
Main Features of ANANDA Application:
- This App is for LIC Agent only.
- It is for the Use of New LIC Policy registration .
- Only Non medical cases can be passed through ANANDA.
- No Child and ULIP Policy is permissible.
- No monthly mode (NACH) LIC policy can be taken.
- Maximum SA should be Rs15 Lac Only.
- Maximum Premium should be 1Lac.
- Medical cases are allowed (Update dated 05 June 21)
- Maximum SA is 30 lac permissible.
- Minor Nomination Allowed .
- SUC is 1 crore allowed(Update as on 10th Feb 2022)
- No limit in Premium amount (Update as on 10th Feb 2022)
- Medical cases are allowed (Update dated 05 June 22)
- Minor Nomination Allowed (Update dated 05 June 22)
Benefits of ANANDA APP login for LIC AGENT……..
1) No physical meetings during Covid Pandemic.
2) Commuting time saved.
3) Productivity of LIC agent can be enhanced.
4) LIC Agent can work on holidays and weekends.
5) Policy lives number goes up ,that will be benefited for CLUB membership of LIC agent.
6) Shatakveer , club membership is possible easily.
7) Agent saves money by avoiding multiple visits to customer and Branch, photocopy, age proof, FPRs etc.
8) Agent can claim that he is specifically authorized and trained to do online sales by LIC thereby enhancing prestige.
9) Market is expanded to All India for agent. He can do any where any place insurance.
10) Online payment facilitated for customers where they can use debit card credit card google pay etc even after Office Hours,OR on Sunday, Holidays- giving convenience to customers and Agents.
11) No more errors or spelling mistakes so the trouble of correction and follow up is reduced.
12) Immediate FPR and E- policy bond are the most advantageous part for both agents and customers as they get immediate proof of payment and Insurance Cover.

Where to get LIC Ananda app link?
You have to go to the main website of LIC of India ,As you visit Home page you will find ANANDA link in the left side of web page.
As you click on ANANDA link ,it will redirect to another page.
Now in new Page you have to login as
- Senior Business Associate
- Agent/CLIA with password
- Agent/CLIA with OTP (New Option has come.)
- Direct Sales Advisor
- IMF with PO
- IMF with ISP
If you are a Regular LIC agent the USER ID will LIC agency Code and Password of LIC agent Portal .
Now ,You can log in with your registered Mobile number, OPT will come on mobile.

Before to Start Policy registration ,Make sure that
- Adhar Card and Mobile number register in LIC Agency is linked with the same Mobile number of LIC Agent, because OPT will come then only.
- Adhar Card is linked the same Mobile number of client, because OPT will come for eKYC from ADHAR website.
- E-signature of Client is saved in your PC/laptop.
- Adhar card of client is also saved in xml formate in your PC.
- Having done all registration ,customer have to validate all data ,So customer is having time for this.
Procedure to register New LIC Policy from ANANDA App ?
Step 1.Create E-KYC for first time LIC Agent User
- Visit Home site of LIC of India
- Click LIC ANANDA Link
- Register yourself (with OPT is recommended).
- Create your eKYC for ANANDA (Its for first time user.)
- For eKYC there is a help link of Adhar,j ust put ADHAR number ,mobile number and captcha.
- OPT will come ,put it there and download your E-Adhar.
- Upload it in LIC Ananda site .
- Create a Pass Code (any 4digit simple number put there)

Step 2. After E-KYC of LIC agent for procedure for ANANDA application.
- New page would be open.
- Select Premium calculation (which is at top bar on web page).
- Select LIC Plan as per Customer desire.
- Fill all details as you are filling like LIC proposal form.
- Now Its time to create E-KYC upload of Client.
- Do the same procedure as you had done for you E-KYC.

Step 3. Procedure for ANANDA application after Premium Calculation and filing data
- An email will go to client a link would be there.
- Where he can view ,edit and proceed with this proposal.
- Now he will make make payment (Via BOC,Net banking, Phone pay,Google pay etc)
- Its time to create e-signature of client and upload it. Very simple as eKYC uploading.
- Now create Own (LIC Agent E sign ) and upload it.

AS customer will pay the premium he will receive FPR (First Premium Receipt) via email.
LIC branch official approved ,Policy will be logedin and bond paper will go to customer via email